Latest Business News - Africa

Railway sleepers factory to be constructed in Ghana

 A South African company- Aveng Infraset is set to construct a railway sleepers factory in Ghana that will produce sleepers and other services for the railway industry.   Minister of  Read More..

Posted on : 15 Jul,2017

Africa shows rising interest in green building design

 The UNEP Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative attributed 30% of annual carbon emissions to the global building sector. In response to this and the commitments made by numerous states to  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

Uhuru launches building of Sh1.7bn Kisumu oil jetty

 President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday launched the construction of the Sh1.7 billion oil jetty in Kisumu whose completion is set to ease transportation of petroleum products to Rwanda, Burundi and  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

300 Meter Skyscraper Under Construction in Kenya To Become Africa Tallest Building

 Construction has begun on a 70-floor ultramodern twin tower building in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.   On completion, the 300-meter-tall skyscraper, known as the  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

South Africa-based group plans 10,000 housing units in Enugu State

 The Enugu State Union in South Africa has announced its plans of partnering with a firm to build 10,000 housing units in the state. Mr Mike Ugwu, the President of the union said that the green  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

Kenya Athi River grinding plant set for US$40m expansion

 The Athi River grinding plant in Kenya is set to undergo a US$ 40m expansion in August this year initiated by Bamburi Cement Limited.   Bamburi Cement Managing Director, Mr. Bruno  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

Cost for middle class public housing in Ethiopia spike

 The Addis Ababa Saving & Housing Development Enterprise handed over 1,292 houses to the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE). The Addis Ababa City Administration unveiled the cost revision of  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

US$ 221m set aside for expansion of South African Breweries

 US$ 221m is set be invested on the expansion project of the South African Breweries (SAB; multinational beverage and brewing company Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB-InBev) has confirmed.   The  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

South Africa launches US$11.2m road rehabilitation project

 Ismail Vadi, Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport, has launched a US$11.2m road rehabilitation project on the R511, located North-West of Johannesburg.   “The R511 links Gauteng  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

Bringing affordable housing to more South Africans why partnerships are key

 Thina, what is the Gauteng Partnership Fund and what is Futuregrowth’s involvement with it?   Sure, so Gareth the Gauteng Partnership Fund, or as we call it the GPF for short, is  Read More..

Posted on : 13 Jul,2017

Exhibitions In Africa

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