Inter-government conference on structural transformation

In a progressive and positive statement Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that the African continent has all it takes to determine its future if it structurally transforms its economies in the interest of citizens. 

The statement was a part of the opening remarks made at the beginning of the African Economic Conference 2017 which is being held in the capital Addis Ababa.
He also said that Africa has the opportunity to determine its own future and it is imperitive that the governments do not fail to structurally transform its economies for the benefit of its people. He reiterated that it is not the time for indecisiveness and passivity. 
The theme of the meeting is “Governance for structural transformation.” And it is being conducted along with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 
Participants will be exchanging ideas on progress made in the area of economic structural transformation by various African governments. They will also discuss policies, programmes and mechanisms that can help governments to unlock their economic potentials. The forum is designed to help share ideas and provide a platform for governments to interact and share knowledge and experiences to benefit the continent.

Posted on : 05 Dec,2017

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