West African Ceramics charts way for low cost housing

 West African Ceramics Limited, leading tile manufacturer, joined other stakeholders in the public and private sector of the housing economy to discuss and proffer solutions to housing challenges in the country at its platinum sponsored 11th Abuja Housing Show.

In alignment with the theme of the show- ‘Solving Africa’s Housing Challenge through Innovative Finance and Infrastructure Solutions’ the company popularly known in the building and construction industry and amongst participants in the built environment as Royal Ceramics showcased its range of wall, floor and roofing tiles designed for low cost housing as a demonstration of its commitment to affordable housing in Nigerian.
In a statement, Bhaskar Rao, general manager, West African Ceramics Limited, said that “the dialogue on housing has both sociopolitical and socioeconomic bearing. At West African Ceramics Limited, this dialogue is one which resonates with our vision and mission to remain innovative in the provision of high quality products for the Nigerian market through our flagship household brand, ROYAL. Since the past three decades, we have contributed in harnessing the vast resources within the Nigerian soil, her human capital, and technological tools to produce quality tile products that are affordable and within the reach of Nigerians across all social strata.”
According to the Organizer, Festus Adebayo, CEO, Fesadeb Communications Limited, the issue of housing has been a source of concern in Nigeria with stakeholders saying there is a shortage of over 17 million houses for the citizens. The government has initiated numerous housing schemes, including NHF, which have not addressed the problem. He added that a major concern for housing is finance; hence the need for innovative financing models to ensure adequate and affordable housing infrastructure for individual housing, collective housing, office building, affordable building materials and equipment, and innovative technology to reduce building cost.
The show described as the largest expo on housing in Africa had in attendance the Minister for Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola; the Chairman of the All People’s Congress, John Odigie Oyegun, Chairman, House Committee on Housing, National Assembly, Ahmed Babba Kaita, Governor of Bauchi State, Mohammed Abubakar, and several distinguished past and present Senators, and captain of industries.

Posted on : 28 Jul,2017

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