Ethio-Kenya Road Construction Nearing Completion

"Once the road is complete, it will have significant impact in regional integration and boost trade for the benefit of Kenya and Ethiopia."

The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) says the construction of the road linking Kenya to Ethiopia will be completed soon. The road covers Merille-Marsabit 121 kilometres and Turbi-Moyale 122 kilometres, Capital FM reported.

The Authority said that the sections form part of the strategic transport corridor linking Mombasa Port to Addis Ababa.

"Once the road is complete, it will have significant impact in regional integration and boost trade for the benefit of Kenya and Ethiopia. He noted the increase in traffic along the corridor and the new trade opportunities with Ethiopia and champion development in the semi-arid areas," said Gabriel Negatu, Regional Director for Eastern Africa Resource Centre of the African Development Bank Group.

He said that the 498 kilometres from Isiolo to Moyale funded by the government, Africa Development Bank and the European Union amounts to 44 billion Kenyan shilling. It will play a key role in integrating Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya.

"By providing a critical link in the Trans East Africa Highway connecting landlocked Ethiopia to the Port of Mombasa, the road corridor will also be key in supporting the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (LAPSSET) corridor," he said.

The new corridor will also improve trade between the two countries, open up Northern Kenya for more trade and business and contribute to an increase in the volume of Ethiopian goods transiting through the Port of Mombasa.

The Regional Director urged the contractors to expedite the remaining works in order to ensure the whole corridor is easily accessible.

Project Eng. Daniel Cherono noted that the road has already resulted to reduction of travel time and transport costs with bus companies introducing more buses to ply the route.

"With the busy road, more businesses such as the banking and hospitality sector have set up and ready to take up every opportunity. Increased traffic and business setting up, security has been enhanced along the Isiolo - Moyale corridor," he said.

Source :

Posted on : 05 May,2016

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