Namibia: Oshikoto Scores Big in Development Budget

Oshikoto Region, named after its natural Otjikoto Lake and famed for its minerals, has been allocated N$604,1 million in the latest development budget.

Lake Guinas, is situated southwest of Otjikoto, a 50km (31miles) round trip from the main road, but it is usually bypassed in favour of Otjikoto. The detour is well worth the effort, as Guinas is not only deeper, but also more scenic than its more famous counterpart.
About N$136,6 million was earmarked for investment in the railway extension by the Ministry of Works and Transport. The transport ministry had also budgeted N$20 million for the upgrading to bitumen the 23-kilometre road between Onayena and Okankolo.
There is also an allocation of N$16,4 million for the construction of a gravel road between Uukwiyuushona and Omuntele, as well as another N$3 million investment in the construction of a gravel road between Onanke and Omuthiya.
Other roads under construction in this region are the 24.4 kilometre gravel road between Onayena and Onankali, the 32 kilometre gravel road between Oshapapa and Epumbu and the upgrading the 110 kilometre stretch of the main road between Omuthiya to Ongwediva.
Purchasing of land is also another priority area of investment, with the Ministry of Land Reform having set aside nearly N$101 million for that purpose.
The agricultural ministry has allocated N$22 million for investment in the construction of a secondary water pipeline for rural areas in the region.
Other investments in the region by the agricultural ministry are into forest management, implementation of community-based management, the construction of veterinary clinics, improving livestock health, construction of dams and wells for livestock drinking.
The rural and urban development ministry has set aside N$54,4 million for investment into service infrastructure at Oniipa, Oshivelo, Onayena and for providing sanitation infrastructure in the region.
The environmental ministry plans to invest in the construction of regional offices and houses for staff members, making water provision for game and fencing off of conservation areas. For these purposes the ministry has set aside a total of N$17,4 million.
The Ministry of Justice iplans to upgrade the lower courts in the region at cost of N$5,85 million.
For rural electrification the mines and energy ministry has set aside N$6,4 million and the defence ministry has set aside N$9,85 million, mainly for a new battle school at Oshivelo.
The health ministry intends to invest about N$35,3 million into the health infrastructure in the region, the bulk of which is N$20 million for Onandjokwe Hospital, while the rest has been set aside for primary healthcare clinics and centres.
The education ministry is looking at investing about N$44 million into the construction of a secondary school at Omuntele, a primary school at Ehangano and at Guinas, and the renovation of Nehale Senior Secondary School.
The budget allocation by the safety ministry is about N$53 million, largely because of the N$42,3 million budgeted for the construction of headquarters for the region. The rest of the money is allocated for upgrading police stations and the construction of police accommodation in the region.
Source :

Posted on : 16 Nov,2015

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