Angola: First Cornerstone of Industrial Development Zone Launched

Sumbe - The minister of Industry, Bernarda Martins, launched the first cornerstone of construction of industrial development zone of small manufacturing industries in Porto Amboim, Coastal Cuanza Sul province.

The mentioned industrial zone is located at 25 kilometers north off Porto Amboim city. It has 50 hectare and will have green permanent area of protection, with plants of small and medium scale, commerce, and administrative services as well as mixed areas.

In the project presentation ceremony, the minister Bernarda Martins said that the Government will work in order to make the industrial zone of Porto Amboim a reality.

On the other hand, the provincial governor of Cuanza Sul, Eusébio de Brito Teixeira, highlighted the importance of this project "for the region.

Source :

Posted on : 30 Nov,-0001

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