Bunyala Gets Sh11.2 Million for Market Stalls

Budalangi CDF committee has allocated Sh11.2 million for the construction of stalls at two market in Bunyala. The fund manager Wilson Okumu said the 60 stalls to benefit more than 5,000 traders will be completed next month.
He said the 25 stalls are being constructed at Bulemia trading centre and 35 at Port Victoria town. "There are sufficient funds to complete the two projects and we hope people will start using them within the next 40 days," said Okumu, adding that the stalls will boost business at the two trading centres
However, a number of residents have expressed concern at the slow pace of the construction of the stalls which they said started two years ago. They claimed the delay is a "calculated move to siphon" CDF money.

"There have been deliberate intentions to delay the project because this is not the first time we have received assurance that the project will be completed," said Wilberforce Juma, a Bulemia resident. However, Okumu dismissed the allegations saying the projects are on schedule. 

Source : allafrica.com

Posted on : 30 Nov,-0001

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