$194 Million road construction projects commissioned by Ethiopia

4 road projects worth $194 Million by the Ethiopia Roads Authority have been officially commissioned and signed between the Ethiopian Roads Authority and the representatives of the contractor groups carrying out the projects. The Government decided to invest the $194m for the construction of four new roads which will have a total length of 299 KM.

The first road will extend from Hamsuit to Estie, in the northern part of the Amhara Region, and is expected to upgrade the existing gravel road to asphalt concrete. Ningxia Communication Construction, the contractor for the project, is expected to complete the road within three years. The road will be seven metres wide, including the shoulders.

The Fisiha Genet-Kele-Segen-Gebelbano road will be the second road beginning in Chulese and extending 90 KM to Soyama passing Buji Wereda and Soyama, the administrative seat, and will end around Segen River nearby Segen Valley. It was originally confirmed to be built by Chinese Railway 14th and a bid to select the right consultant is in the process of being carried out. This road additionally, will have to cross urban and rural areas, and will be financed by the Ethiopian government, and it is expected to be completed within 39 months.

The third road, Adiale-Girawa, is in East Hararge, Oromia Regional State and is 55 KM-long. It will be constructed by Hibe China Construction Company and it will connect Adiale, Qore, Amber, Bifetu, Dawee, Qurefa, Oramitu and Girawa towns and will have a width of 19m in the urban areas and seven metres in the rural area including the shoulders.

Located in Somali Regional State, the Gode-Kelafo road will be the fourth road and will have a length of 88.5 KM, with 10m width in the urban areas and an eight-metre width in the rural areas including the shoulders, connecting Gode-Kelafo-Ferfer.

The four companies were awarded the task of carrying out the projects by the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA). The government is expected to fund three of the projects while one of them will be financed by a joint group consisting of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and the Ethiopian government.

Posted on : 23 Dec,2019

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