Liberia: West Construction Gets Award

The management of West Construction and Architecture, Inc. during the week, on Wednesday January 16, 2013, was a proud recipient of an ANNUAL PRESTIGIOUS AWARD, a certificate of appreciation from the Society for the Promotion of Peace, National Reconciliation and Reunification, as construction company of the year 2012, in recognition and appreciation of their outstanding, excellent and guaranteed construction works successfully implemented over the years, which according to the watch - dog organization is highly appreciated and worth commendation.
According to the organization, the company was unanimously selected among others construction companies as construction company of the year 2012, for the following reasons; for buttressing Government's Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), with over one hundred Liberians been employed, the renovation of the A.M. Doglioti College of Medicine of the University of Liberia, the construction of the National Elections Commission (NEC), present building, the construction of Total, Inc. modem gas stations up to intentional standard in Monrovia and its environs and Kakata, Margibi County, the construction of sixteen (16) schools and nine (9) learning centers within the fifteen counties of Liberia, the renovation of NASSCORP'S and BRE's facilities in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County and the on going extension of the LPRC Terminals.
Moreover, the company has established a modem rock crusher currently supplying construction industries with all sizes of crushed rocks and is also upgrading the Freeport of Monrovia and also with the provision of crushed rocks.

West Construction and Architecture Inc. is an international American-Florida based construction company established in Liberia in 2009. Since its establishment here in Liberia, the company has been actively involved in the rebuilding process of the country. It is based upon these achievements that the company won the title, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF THE YEAR - 2012

Source :

Posted on : 30 Nov,-0001

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